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Hyderabad, AP, India
DR. RAVI KUMAR ALURI M.D., D.M. Interventional Cardiologist Has been in the field of interventional cardiology for over a decade and during this period has accumulated immense experience and expertise in cardiac care and coronary interventions.

Monday, April 19, 2010

Interventional Cardiology

Interventional cardiology is a branch of the medical specialty of cardiology that deals specifically with the catheter based treatment of structural heart diseases.

A large number of procedures can be performed on the heart by catheterization. This most commonly involves the insertion of a sheath into the femoral artery or radial artery (but, in practice, any large peripheral artery or vein) and cannulating the heart under X-ray visualization (most commonly fluoroscopy, a real-time x-ray.

The radial artery is more commonly used for cannulation; this approach offers several advantages, including the accessibility of the artery in most patients, the easy control of bleeding even in anticoagulated patients, the enhancement of comfort because patients are capable of sitting up and walking immediately following the procedure, and the near absence of clinically significant sequelae in patients with a normal Allen test.

The main advantages of using the interventional cardiologic approach is the avoidance of the scars, pain, and long postoperative recovery associated with surgery. Additionally, the interventional cardiology procedure of primary angioplasty is now the gold standard of care for an acute myocardial infarction. It involves the extraction of clots from occluded coronary arteries, deployment of stents and balloons through a pinprick procedure made into a major artery, leaving no scars.,

Interventional cardiology relies on non-surgical techniques to allow for heart revascularisation after a disease such as an infarct or any other ischemic-type incident.

Procedures performed by specialists in interventional cardiology:
Angioplasty Also called percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty (PTCA), angioplasty is an intervention for the treatment of coronary artery disease.

Valvuloplasty Valvuloplasty is the dilation of narrowed cardiac valves (usually mitral, aortic, or pulmonary).

Congenital heart defect correction Percutaneous approaches can be employed to correct atrial septal and ventricular septal defects, closure of a patent ductus arteriosus, and angioplasty of the great vessels. Percutaneous valve replacement: An alternative to open heart surgery, percutaneous valve replacement is the replacement of a heart valve using percutaneous methods.

Coronary thrombectomy Coronary thrombectomy involves the removal of a thrombus (blood clot) from the coronary arteries.

Cardiac Radiofrequency ablation A technique performed by clinical electrophysiologists, cardiac radiofrequency ablation is used in the treatment of arrhythmias.

Surgery of the heart is done by the specialty of cardiothoracic surgery. Some interventional cardiology procedures are only performed when there is cardiothoracic surgery expertise in the hospital, in case of complications.

Yawning again and again tends to attack stroke in heart and brain

When people feel tired, they often perform several yawn, which can temporarily reduce human's fatigue. However, if the elderly, especially patients with hypertension and arteriosclerosis, frequently yawn, it may be the precursor of ischemic stroke, so patients should be vigilant.
About 70% to 80% of patients with ischemic stroke, about one week before the onset, because of brain ischemia and hypoxia they have the phenomenon of frequent yawning. The reason is that the elderly, particularly patients with hypertension or cerebral arteriosclerosis, due to atherosclerosis, luminal narrowing, vessel wall elasticity reducing, resulting in reduced blood flow to the brain, the brain is very sensitive to oxygen. The brain, only accounts for about 2% of total body weight, but it consumes about 25% of whole oxygen demand of the body, therefore, when the brain occurs ischemia and hypoxia, it frequently leads to yawn.
Meanwhile, the yawn can make intrathoracic pressure decrease, the blood from superior and inferior vena cava returning to the heart increase, and cardiac output of blood increase, so the blood supply ability of the brain cells gets improved. However, this improvement is temporary, therefore frequent yawning often indicates that ischemic stroke may occur in the near future.

The irritant alarm is easy to induce heart disease

Its indicated that if the alarm sound is loud, it is easy to make people feel frightened, so that it may cause the vasoconstriction, speed up the heartbeat, induce or aggravate heart disease, cerebral arteriosclerosis, myocardial infarction and so on. The irritant ring will also let person's nervous system become highly anxious; possibly will lead to the dyspepsia, not good appetite, the constipation or the diarrhea and so on.
In addition, because of long time being awakened in the stimulation sound, the endocrine system is easy to disorder, which possibly leads to irregularis menstruation, easily perspireand so on. The alarm sound will affect person's mood as well. It will be excited after being awaken. For a long time, it will be easy to cause the human to be anxious, the attention not centralized, depressed even insomnia.
Suggestions :
  • Set up the ring with slow rhythm, temperament melody and not noisy sound volume.
  • Do not place the alarm nearby the pillow. It must be put on the low furniture 1 meter away from the pillow.
  • Do not use the mobile phone to set up the alarm as mobile alarm will increase the radiation intensity.

Regular blood donation can be effective in preventing heart disease

Blood donation can save other people's lives, but also can reduce their risk of heart disease. The medical profession is aware that, the incidence of women coronary heart disease before menopause was significantly lower than men, but in post-menopausal morbidity and mortality were significantly increased.

Treating Chronic Total Occlusions

Treatment of coronary chronic total occlusions (CTO) remains a challenge that is the leading cause of failed percutaneous coronary interventional procedures (PCI) and is the leading indication for coronary bypass graft surgery (CABG) referrals. Advent of new and dedicated CTO crossing wires, reentry devices and crossing catheters, combined with new and innovative techniques have led to a significant improvement in success rates of CTO treatment. Use of drug eluting stents (DES) and its use in CTO treatment has allowed long-term durability of the procedural successes.
Despite the emerging enthusiasm coupled with increasing success rates of CTO treatment, the evidence base for CTO treatment is relatively small and has been largely limited to comparisons between DES and bare metal stents (BMS). Binary angiographic restenosis is lower with DES compared to BMS (odds ratio 0.15, 95% CI 0.08, 0.26, P for heterogeneity = 0.20) and sirolimus eluting stents (SES) have been shown in one study to have a lower binary angiographic restenosis rate compared to paclitaxel eluting stent (PES) (9.4% SES versus 28.6% PES, P=0.020). Stent thrombosis rates are similar for both DES and BMS. Long-term (36 month) outcomes of death, MI and stent thrombosis remained similar between BMS and DES patients. Large, high-quality, prospective strategy trials are needed to provide more information on the validity of treating CTO, on role of DES in CTO and to determine if use of second generation DES could provide even more favorable outcomes.
These data on the initial success in the treatment of coronary CTO need to be balanced against potential risk of complications. Risk of serious and life-threatening complications like coronary perforations and large dissections are more frequent compared to a non-CTO PCI. On the same note, early recognition and ability to promptly deal with these complications are critical to CTO treatment plans.
Substantial familiarity and training prior to attempting CTO are crucial, along with a minimum of 50 CTO procedures a year. From our personal experience and that of many prior CTO experts, a mentoring program along with development of a core group of institutional or regional core group of CTO experts are necessary to achieve high and reproducible success rates with minimal complications.

Cardiology Heart Disease Prevention

Cardiology heart disease has become one of the major causes of death throughout world. Generally men suffer more from this disease rather than women. This is due to the reason that men acquire cardiovascular disorders earlier than women. This can be 10-15 years earlier than women. Men suffer from heart related diseases in the age between 35-65 years. Due to this there are more probabilities for men to die at their prime age.

How to prevent cardiology heart disease? This requires the combined approach of making healthier life styles that deals with all aspects of physical and emotional health. It is necessary to get appropriate treatment for high or low blood pressure, coronary art disease, high cholesterol and diabetes and all other factors that give rise to such disease.
Those type of food, whether it is low-fat, high-fat must be eaten that are based on metabolic type. This must be matched with other diet plans also. Regular and light exercises are also required. Stress and emotion issues must be managed in such a manner so that the healthy heart remains maintained and cardiology heart diseases are property prevented.
So with the growing number of heart patients, it is necessary to take care of heart as most essential organ of body. With the help of cardinal journal you find all the necessary information related to cardio health, medical tips, prevention and treatment of all heart related diseases as well as latest in cardiology research.

Cardiology heart disease has become the major cause of death nowadays. Steps must be taken to fight prevent such a terrible disease by taking appropriate treatment.
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